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Debbie Horn

TX License #84574

I am Debbie Horn, a licensed Professional Counselor in Texas.

Everyone can turn their lives around and make it the life they always dreamed about, especially if there is an empathetic, proficient, and caring counselor by your side. We will work together to help you release the issues you struggle with. I will encourage you through the process with compassion and teach you the skills for coping through your life journey.


"I had been feeling very stuck and stagnant with where I was at in life when I started coming to Debbie Horn about a month and a half ago now. I had been working on myself as best as I could with only me as the guide, but the fear of being seen as worthless among other things was too much for only me to get over. The fear of judgment and criticism among other things had been keeping me stuck in a very low and shameful place for quite a while. Deciding on a therapist can be a hard decision for most of us I think, and if there’s anyone out there who needs some extremely helpful guidance, advice, “keeping it real” talk, with not one ounce of judgement or thinking you won’t be be understood, I could not think of anyone better to recommend than Debbie. Her holistic approach to my needs has been so amazing and stress free for me as I continue on my path to finding myself again. Her knowledge of many therapies comes in handy for my uniqueness in that bc I never know how my days will go, she always knows exactly what I need when I see her. Her recommendation on EMDR therapy has been nothing short of amazing, as I’ve been able to heal some very old traumas that I never even knew were as deep as they were, or even healable. She makes sure to leave me feeling supported, worthy, and most importantly to me, like I’m enough and that I matter! She’s the sweetest person ever, yet is able to keep things real with me when I’m focusing on the wrong things or trying to fight myself on things I shouldn’t be. The perfect balance of empathy and tough love is what I like to call it. Debbie really is a gift from the universe and anyone seeking out help will most definitely benefit from, and be so glad to work on healing their past or present traumas, hurts, pains, etc with her. I would put money on it! Thank you Debbie for all that you do, all that you give, and being the light in my life when I could only see just a glimpse of it from where I was at. I owe so much to you, and the love and appreciation I have for you runs deep in my soul. To say I’m grateful for you is an understatement! You are truly an inspiration to those who need to be inspired and motivated. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"